Policy statement

We follow the guidelines of the Reporting Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), for the reporting of accidents and incidents. Child protection matters are NOT regarded as incidents, and there are separate procedures for this (Safeguarding Policies).

RIDDOR 1995 – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations: the establishment must report deaths, major injuries, injuries that result in an absence of more than three days, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the enforcing authority in writing using a specific form. In the case of deaths, major injuries and dangerous occurrences, the report should be made by phone as well. In my setting should such occurrence take place we would report as required. We have an accident and incident form. We have consent from the parents to provide emergency first aid in the contract.


Our accident/incident book:

• Is kept safely and accessibly
• Is accessible to all staff, who know how to complete it.
• Is reviewed at least half-termly to identify any potential or actual hazards.

Reporting of Accidents or Illness:

We report the following:

Ofsted is notified as soon as possible, but at least within 14 days, of any instances which involve:

  1. food poisoning affecting two or more children looked after on our premises;
  2. a serious accident or injury to, or serious illness of, a child in our care and the action we take in response;
  3. the death of a child in our care.

Local child protection agencies are informed of

  1. any serious accident, illness or injury to, or the death of any child while in our care and we act on any advice given by those agencies.

The local Environmental Health Department is informed of any:

    1. food poisoning affecting two or more children or adults on our premises.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE):

  1. Any work-related accident leading to an injury to a member of the public (child or adult), for which they are taken directly to hospital for treatment.
  2. Any work-related accident leading to a specified injury to one of our employees. Specified injuries include injuries such as fractured bones, the loss of consciousness due to a head injury, serious burns or amputations.
  3. Any work-related accident leading to an injury to one of our employees which results in them being unable to work for seven consecutive days.
  4. All work-related injuries that lead to one of our employees being incapacitated for three or more days are recorded in our “Accident Book”
  5. When one of our employees suffers from a reportable occupational disease or illness as specified by the HSE.
  6. Any death, of a child or adult, that occurs in connection with a work-related accident.

Any dangerous occurrence is recorded on our incident forms (See Incident Policy).