Policy Statement:
At Blossoming Buddies we aim to make the setting accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.
Early education and childcare funded entitlement at Blossoming Buddies:
Universal government’s funded early education and childcare entitlement:
Blossoming Buddies offers the government’s funded universal early education and childcare entitlement. The scheme offers 15 and 30 hours a week childcare (Term time only-38 weeks) for some two-year-olds and all three- and four-year-olds.
2 year funding: provides up to15 hours free childcare for the most vulnerable children in the Borough. For eligibility criteria please access https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
3 & 4 year old age criteria: If your child’s birthday falls between:
- 1st April – 31 August funding starts in the Autumn period from September.
- 1st September – 31 December funding starts in the Spring period from January 1st
- January – 31 March funding starts in the Summer period from April.
If your contract is for more hours than the universal 15 hours funding and you are not entitled to the additional 15 hours extended funded hours, the funded hours will be the first part of your contracted hours, additional contacted hours will be charged at Blossoming Buddies current hourly rate (£6 per hour).
Extended government’s funded early education and childcare entitlement:
In addition, Blossoming Buddies offers the government’s extended funded early education childcare entitlement. This scheme offers 30 hours per week childcare (Term time only-38 weeks) available for qualifying three and four-year-olds with working parents who meet the government’s eligibility criteria.
Eligibility is only valid for approximately 3 months. It is the parents’ responsibility to check if they are still eligible for the 30 hours free childcare. If a parent fails to reapply for the extended 15 hours and/or not within the Local Authorities deadline loses the funding, the parents will be liable to pay for the additional hours at Blossoming Buddies current hourly rate (£6 per hour).
A strict time limit applies to be able to register for this service. If you do not apply for extended hours by the deadlines below Blossoming Buddies will not be able to offer extended free hours until the next funding period. The cut off dates are:
- Autumn period 31 August
- Spring period 31 December
- Summer period 31 March
If parents wish to increase the number of funded hours their child is accessing after the headcount date, Blossoming Buddies will charge for these additional sessions. The parent will be able to claim for any increased hours from the start of the next funding period, provided they meet all entitlement criteria.
If your contract is for more hours than the extended 30 hoursfunding, funded hours will be the first part of your contracted hours, additional contacted hours will be charged at Blossoming Buddies current hourly rate (£6 per hour).
Term time is as dictated by the Local Authority and the dates can be found here:
Please visit https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ to understand your options and which funding opportunities would best suit your family circumstances.
What to expect
Blossoming Buddies will be claiming funding from the Local Authority, having seen evidence to verify your child’s date of birth at the initial meeting. As part of the registration process, you will be required to provide documentation to evidence your child’s date of birth. This is to confirm they have reached the eligible age for the free entitlements. A copy of the document will be retained. This will be stored securely and destroyed when there is no longer a good reason to keep the data, in accordance with GDPR or General Data Protection Regulations.
Parents will be required to fully complete a Parent Declaration Form, which you must also sign, in order for Blossoming Buddies to claim any funding.
Funded hours are free provision and do not have any monetary value for parents.
The funded early education and childcare entitlement is intended for high quality early education. The Government funding is not intended to cover the cost of meals, other consumables, additional hours or additional services.
Blossoming buddies DOES charge for, groups, consumables (e.g. wipes, arts and craft supplies, baking supplies) and activities/classes as part of the funded entitlement delivery. Price to be discussed.
If you experience difficulties meeting the cost of these additional services please come and speak to us, Louise or Megan.
Payment must be in our account before 7am on the date due as indicated in your invoice.
If you are late with your invoice payment we will automatically charged £10 per day.
Blossoming Buddies are entitled to suspend the care of your child until the amount due has been paid in full and/or terminate your contract.
If you wish to split the funding between Blossoming Buddies and another accredited setting, please let us know before a new term starts, so we can complete the necessary paperwork.
As funding is paid termly, it is important that you claim for the correct number of funded hours at the beginning of each term. If you do not claim for your full entitlement, it is not possible to increase your funding once the term has begun. It is possible to increase your hours and you will be liable for the cost of these hours until the following term when you can claim your additional funding. Any unclaimed funding cannot be used at a later date.
Children will not be funded if they move settings during the funding period except for exceptional circumstances which must be agreed by SBC Head of Early Years.
If your child misses their funded hours due to sickness; your holiday or occasional days off, Blossoming Buddies is not required to provide alternative sessions.
It is your responsibility to inform Tax Credits of the change in your childcare costs.
Blossoming Buddies is registered with tax free childcare choices.
Late collection: If you are late collecting you child there will be an additional charge of £10 per hour.
Holidays and attendance: If parents take their child out during funded hours Blossoming Buddies is not required to provide alternative sessions. Full fee will be charged for child’s absence due to holiday or sickness.
Blossoming Buddies is not open on Bank Holidays and will not charge for these days.
limitations on funded hours:
- Minimum of one day a week (10 hours)
Registration fee:
A non-refundable admin fee of £35 is also required to process the contract and registration for new children.