We provide a learning environment that promotes Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to provide equal opportunity to all children. (Please see Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy).
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) article 15 (freedom of association) states that every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights. Article 29 (goals of education) states that education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.
We demonstrate positive attitudes and exposure the children to differences to educate themhelp and reduce the likelihood of discriminationas the children grow to understand as to why people are different and the beauty of such differences.
- If a child is discriminating against someone then we would challenge the child immediately
- We talk to the child about the hurt and distress their comments could cause, what they have done wrong and why it is inappropriate.
- We explain to the child that everyone has different views and opinions and explain how we expect the child to behave whilst they are in our care.
- We help the child learn from the situation by recognising the consequences of their actions, upsetting their friend, not being fair, and help them to understand why their behaviour is cruel an inappropriate.
- We do not leave the child upset, we explain to them that they have made a mistake which we can all move on from and remain friends.
- If a child is to say something that is not correct, we immediately point it out and give them the correct information therefore preventing the child for forming a view or opinion based on incorrect information.
- We support the child that has been the object of discrimination by reassuring them, comforting them, and help the child respond positively to such remarks.
Keep in mind the word ACCESS to help you remember what should be done when a discriminatory incident occurs:
- Astands for Act– you need to respond to any discriminatory incident when it occurs.
- C stands for Challenge – which is what you need to do now. Be polite but firm when challenging a discriminatory comment or action. If you are unsure of what you heard or saw, question the person involved, saying something such as “Excuse me, did I hear you say…?” or “What just happened then?” Make it clear that discrimination in any form is not acceptable in the setting.
- C also stands for Comfort – if someone has been offended or upset by discriminatory comments or actions, comfort them and reassure them that action will be taken.
- E stands for Educate – it is important that the person who discriminated realises why their comments or actions are unacceptable. Education may take many forms: discussion, modelling appropriate language and responses, going through the setting’s
- S stands for Support– including supporting the victims of discrimination, practitioners supporting each other, and supporting those who discriminate in changing their attitudes and behaviour.
- S also stands for Subsequent follow-up– this includes recording the incident, reviewing practice, arranging necessary training, keeping parents informed and long term planning to address equal opportunities issues that arise.
When recording the incident on the incident form include:
- date
- person who reported incident
- where incident took place
- what occurred
- type of discrimination
- how any victim was supported
- what action you took including any follow up.