All early year’s providers are required to ‘actively promote’ British values. The intentionis linked to the Prevent duty (Please see Prevent Duty Policy) is that all children including the very young are protected from being radicalised at an early age.
By actively promoting British Values also enables the children to respect diversity, equality and inclusion.
The fundamental British values are:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
In our setting teaching British values will probably encompass 2 different parts of the curriculum:
- Promoting British Values-which are already embedded into our day to day work with children
- Teaching the children more about the world they live in and developing their understanding of life in modern Britain.
How we demonstrate that our setting promotes British Values:
Democracy | The Rule of Law | Individual Liberty | Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs |
-Practitioners to recognise and model respect for each child and their family -Involve children in decision making; choice of what to play with, what to eat, deciding on rules together, how to set up an area or activity, what theme the role play should be, what book to read or songs to sing -Value each other views -Talk about feelings -Take turns (play games that encourage this) -Share -Work together to achieve a goal. -We teach children to work together – we provide them with projects that involve everyone in the provision and we plan group times, where children learn to listen, take turns and value contributions from others. -Develop the child’s enquiring mind by encouraging questions. -Involve the parents in decision making about the setting by sending a questionnaire home, encourage the parents to share ideas and provide feedback. -work in partnership with local safeguarding board | -We support children in managing their feelings and behaviour -Provide books that show characters that help and support one another -Talk about emotions -Use music that captures different moods. -Talk about rules, why rules are important and what the consequences may be if not abided by. -Ensure all children understand the rules and that they apply to everyone. -Create setting rules together -Encourage children to resolve conflict i.e. listen to one another, say sorry, hug -visit local places in the community, on walks talk about what we see, road signs, traffic lights etc. | -Help develop a child’s positive sense of themselves. -Help develop the child’s self-knowledge, self esteem and confidence. -Talk about the child’s experiences and learinig. -Allow children to take age/developmental stage appropriate risks (for example during outdoor play) -Try new ideas and encourage children to join in. -Make new activities/experiences fun and exciting, joining in ourselves and modelling the required behaviour. -Continually praise the children’s efforts. -Take photo’s/videos of the children and share these with the parents. -Have talks about feelings. -Help children to realise that everyone has a different opinion and to respect those. | -Support children’s understanding of diversity and challenge negative attitudes and stereotypes (see Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy) -Model an inclusive attitude to different faiths and beliefs. -Provide opportunity to encourage turn taking (i.e in games, choosing a story, helping set the table) -Provide role play experiences/resources and activities that challenge gender, cultural and racial stereotyping. -Help children recognise and respect both similarities and differences. -Work in partnership with parents to share knowledge and experience. -involve children in the wider community. |
It is not acceptable to:
- Actively promote intolerance of others faith, cultures and races
- Failure to challenge gender stereotypes and routinely segregate girls and boys
- Isolate children from their wider community
- Failure to challenge unacceptable behaviour.
Considering British Values in everyday practise: | Physical: We teach children to work together – we provide them with projects that involve everyone in the provision and we plan group times, where children learn to listen, take turns and value contributions from others. T | Persona, Social and emotional: Listen to each other and celebrate our uniqueness and skills. Share our experiences and learning with others and learn from their experiences and knowledge. Have pride in our achievements and praise others for theirs. Learn about different cultures and religions. Lifestyles and communities. Challenge stereotypes and discrimination. Make rules for the setting together and support understanding as to why we need laws and rules. To know right from wrong. Work on emotions and feelings, sharing, turn taking. | Communication and language: Use positive language and communication about all cultures, abilities and genders. Encourage group discussions about choices and maybe vote on things. Such as what book to read at story time. Understand manners, politeness, how to be kind and fair. Be a part of your community. Join in with local activities, support fundraising and help make a difference. Use visual and vocal tools to share rules and expectations of behaviour. Celebrate our Birthdays! Ensure all children have a voice and are heard! |
Literacy: Have books in your setting that show positive images of genders, abilities and cultures. Look at books in different languages. Familiar books such as the Gruffalo that the children will recognise even if the language it is read In is new to them. Have traditional stories from around the world in different formats. Books, audio and DVD. Learn about your own heritage and history. Look at how different countries write. How words are formed and the direction that they are read. | Mathematics: Play number games from around the world. Celebrate our Birthdays and age. The numbers that are important to us in our lives. Our house number of the number of people in our family. Look at our currency and the currency of other parts of the world. | Expressive arts and design: Share your artistic skills and look at artists from around the world. Look at arts, dance and music and how it forms part of every day lives for the people in the world. In our religions and our traditions. Add multicultural items to our role play areas so that children experience different ways of cooking, eating and dressing. Provide role play items that will appeal to both genders. Primary colours. | Understanding the world: Learn about different cultures through mini topics, celebrations and festivals. Use the internet to view footage of how others live. Homes and jobs in other countries. Celebrate our own culture and heritage. Learn about our history as well as world history. Celebrate our natural world and how we can look after it. Look at the world using a globe or atlas and see how we all provide things that are shipped around the world and used by other countries. Where do our food and clothes come from for example. We all need each other. |