Under no circumstances are drugs and alcohol allowed to be consumed on the premises.


  • Staff, students or volunteers who arrive at the setting and are suspected to be under the influence of drugs and considered unfit to work, will be asked to leave immediately and disciplinary procedures implemented.
  • If staff are found in possession of illegal drugs, serious disciplinary action will follow.
  • In cases where staff are taking prescribed drugs that may affect their ability to function effectively at work, the Manager/Deputy Manager must be informed as early as possible.
  • If a member of staff has good reason to suspect that a parent/carer is under the influence of illegal drugs when they drop off or collect their child, they have a duty to inform both the Manager and Safeguarding Officer, according to the provisions of the Safeguarding Children policy.
  • In such circumstances, the Manager and the Safeguarding Officer will then be responsible for deciding upon the appropriate course of action, ensuring that the safety and protection of the child remains paramount at all times.
  • Staff will make all possible efforts to ensure that children are not allowed to travel in a vehicle driven by someone who is clearly under the influence of illegal drugs.
  • Where an illegal act is suspected to have taken place, the police will be called.
  • Ofsted may be informed.


  • Staff, students or volunteers who arrive at the setting clearly under the influence of alcohol, will be asked to leave immediately and disciplinary procedures will follow.
  • If a member of staff has good reason to suspect that a parent/carer is under the influence of alcohol when they drop off or collect their child, to the extent that the safety of the child is threatened, they have a duty to inform both the Manager and the designated Safeguarding Officer, according to the provisions of the Safeguarding Children policy.
  • The Manager and the Safeguarding Officer will then be responsible for deciding upon the appropriate course of action, ensuring that the safety and protection of the child remains paramount at all times.
  • Staff will make all possible efforts to ensure that children are not allowed to travel in a vehicle driven by someone who is clearly under the influence of alcohol.
  • Where an illegal act is suspected to have taken place, the police will be called.
  • Ofsted may be informed.