Children develop in individual ways and at varying rates, we offer a settling in procedure that is flexible to meet those needs.
Friendships and relationships are an important part of children’s development. Every interaction is based on caring professional relationships and respectful acknowledgement of the feelings of children and their families.
We are aware that many factors will influence children’s and family’s sociability. They may feel tired, stressed, or trying to communicate in more than one language.
Children need to feel safe, stimulated and happy to develop and grow socially, emotionally and physically. They need to feel secure and comfortable with us. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children’s wellbeing and their role as active partners with us. Children feel a sense of belonging in the setting when their parents are also involved in it.
We aim to make our setting a warm welcoming environment where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families.
- Before a child starts to attend our setting, we use a variety of ways to provide the child’s parents/carers with information. These include written information (policies, contract, what to expect from the EYFS) who is the child’s key worker, meals and snacks
- Parents are provided with an ‘All about me’ form to write down information regarding their child’s needs and special instruction to comfort the child should they become distressed. When a child starts to attend, we work with the child’s parents/carers to decide on the best way to help the child to settle in.
- Your child is allocated a Key Worker. A Key Worker has special responsibilities for working with a small number of children, giving them the reassurance to feel safe and cared for and building relationships with their parents. A Key Worker helps the child to become familiar with the setting and to feel confident and safe within it. See Your Child’s Keyworker link for more information.
- A second Key Worker is provided for children so that when the main Key Worker is unavailable there is a familiar and trusted person who knows the child well.
- Introductory session are arranged for the child to attend our setting for a short period of time which will gradually increase to enable the child to feel secure within the setting and know that their parent/carer will pick them up.
- We invite children to bring in a favourite toy or show us something such as a drawing
- Children often calm down once their parents/carers have left. We are happy to call parents/carers to let them know how their child is coping.
- We guide them to an activity we know they favour.
- During the settling-in period, say goodbye in a calm and brief manner, and tell your child when you’ll be back then leave. This helps the child to learn and understand this routine.
- Staff will confidently greet and say goodbye to babies and children too.